What a brilliant weekend!!!
The weather was good – no risk of either sunstroke or flood. Ancient Akela gave up his time and van again to transport everything there and back. Thanks Ian 🙂
The Scouts all discovered that they can cook for themselves and wash up – let’s hope you’re all still practising those skills at home, you don’t have to be using a trangia or a campfire in a field!!!
Smudge visited us and trained all the Scouts in the safe use of Axes, Knives, Saws, Smudge sticks and Thug sticks – the Scouts were fantastic, listened quietly and then practised whilst the leaders watched nervously.
Our District Commissioner came for tea on Saturday night and watched the Scouts as they organised their own wide game.
On Sunday, there were more anxious moments for the leaders as the Scouts honed their skills with axes, knives and saws. There was just time left for the Scouts to make a souvenir t-shirt before it was time to start striking camp.
A huge thank-you to the Scouts – you made a fantastic team and the leaders thoroughly enjoyed the camp. (Next time you can cook for the leaders too).