Hope all the Cubs have dried out after the slightly soggy finish to the district camp at the weekend. The downpour didn’t dampen their spirits.
Luckily, Saturday had great weather and the Cubs were able to join in with a fun packed programme: archery, rifle shooting, grass sledging, orienteering, circus skills, climbing wall, catapults & slingshots and a brilliant bouncy assault course.
In the evening, there was a Cub challenge with points to be won for completing different activities – Japanese lanterns, making pictures from natural materials using light sensitive paper, creating circuits with bulbs, and other light themed activities. There was a trophy for the Cubs with the most points and our new ADC Cubs – Sue Lowndes – and her pack won the trophy. 😀
On Sunday, our group was the fastest to strike camp, so had plenty of time to make mini-catapults on the pioneering base, play lawn darts & croquet, follow the blind trail (wearing blindfolds), make campfire doughnuts and throw paper planes.
Thank you Akela & Baloo for taking the Cubs to camp. And a huge thank you to Hathi & Kaa for taking the Cubs round all the bases.