We are very pleased you are visiting and hopefully finding out a little more about us and scouting in general. Our group is a large and very active band of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts all based in Lymm, Cheshire and with links to the local Warrington East District Sahara and Antarctic Explorer Unit.
It’s our aim to ensure all the boys and girls in our group get the most out of life by providing an interesting set of activities that are both fun and help them develop – as individuals and as a team. We do this in a friendly, safe environment aimed at providing the right level of support and guidance for each scout and each activity. They enjoy taking part in the weekly meetings, the camps, hikes, backwoods cooking, learning to navigate, canoeing, climbing, technology nights, community projects – many more things than we can list but most of all they enjoy being with their friends.
As with most voluntary organisations we depend totally on our Leaders, the Committee and all the Parents for support and involvement in all aspects. It is hard work but the rewards are priceless – for everyone, and especially for our children.
Please have a look around, check out what we are up to and feel free to contact us if there is anything you need further information on.